Prevalence of unilateral posterior crossbite among adolescents with permanent dentition in Xi'an Fixed Re-implant Technology Application in Mixed Dentition Permanent Teeth of Fixed Replantation Period 固定矫治技术在替牙期恒牙再植固定中的应用
Objective To discuss the clinical effect of fixed appliance technology on permanent dentition replantation in mixed dentition period. 目的探讨固定矫治技术应用于替牙期恒牙再植术后固定的临床效果。
Prevalence of unilateral posterior crossbite among adolescents with permanent dentition in Xi'an Floss your teeth at least once a day in order to remove decaying food. 每天至少用牙线清洁牙齿一次,以清除残留在牙缝间的腐烂食物。
A cephalometric study of upper airway form and hyoid position in early permanent dentition 恒牙早期正常骨面型青少年上气道形态和舌骨位置的X线头影测量研究
Objective: To investigate upper airway form and hyoid position in early permanent dentition. 目的:研究恒牙早期青少年上气道形态和舌骨位置。
Methods: 60 cases ( 30 Angle class ⅱ 1,30 Angle class ⅲ) in early permanent dentition were selected to be studied with Tweed Cephalometric method. 方法:用Tweed分析法对60名恒牙初期(30名安氏Ⅱ1类、30名安氏Ⅲ类)患者进行X线头影测量分析。
Objective To study the effects of environmental and genetic factors on dental crowding, and to further study on the influencing factors on permanent dentition. 目的通过双生子研究遗传和环境因素对恒牙列拥挤形成所起的作用,以进一步研究恒牙列拥挤的影响因素。
Methods: 144 patients with malocclusion in permanent dentition ( 74 skeletal Class I and 70 skeletal Class II) were recruited into the study. 方法:恒牙期错牙合144例,其中,I类骨骼型74例,II类70例。
Objective To evaluate the treatment effect and stability of maxillary protraction and rapid palatal expansion in the permanent dentition. 目的研究联合应用上颌前方牵引与快速扩弓对恒牙早期Ⅲ类骨性错牙合的矫治效果及稳定性。
Objective To evaluate the effects of class ⅲ malocclusion in the early permanent dentition with rapid palatal expansion and face mask therapy. 目的评估快速扩弓加前方前牵引在恒牙早期安氏Ⅲ类错牙合矫治中的效果。
Methods 70 students with early permanent dentition were selected as the samples. The cephalometric analysis methods of Downs? Tweed and Steiner were used in this study. 方法对天津市70名恒牙早期正常牙合儿童常规拍摄X线头颅侧位片,按Downs、Tweed、Steiner分析法进行计算机测量分析。
Method Upper airway morphology was studied by computerized cephalometric analysis in 116 mixed dentition and early permanent dentition. 方法运用计算机辅助X线头影测量技术,对116例替牙期和恒牙早期的正常儿童的X线头颅侧位定位片进行研究。
Methods 30 cases ( 14 males and 16 females) with mandibular arch crowding in the mixed and early permanent dentition were treated with shield lip bumper for 6& 10 months. The cast measurement and cephalometric analysis were performed to evaluate the effects of lip bumper therapy. 方法选择替牙及恒牙初期下牙列拥挤患者30名(男14例、女16例),戴用下颌唇挡治疗6&10个月,进行治疗前后模型测量及X线头影测量分析。
Method: The authors have treated 20 cases of the permanent dentition with missing teeth or significant spacing with space regaining or focusing on space and implant methods. 方法:利用正畸开辟间隙法结合种植义齿修复对20例牙缺失或先天牙列稀疏的病例进行矫治。
The effect of the improved maxillary biteplate on the width of mandibular arch Conclusion The lip bumper could play an important role in the mandibular arch development and lower facial profile improvement in mixed and early permanent dentition. 上颌全腭导板对下颌牙弓宽度的影响研究结论在儿童颌面部生长发育高峰期,唇挡可有效促进下颌牙弓生长发育,改善面下部硬软组织侧貌形态。
Conclusion ( 1) Upper lateral incisors were most unstable in permanent dentition, and most tended to vary in teeth size, teeth morphology and teeth number during evolution. 结论(1)上颌侧切牙为牙列中最不稳定的牙齿;
But in female the hyoid position became lower and forward from mixed dentition to early permanent dentition and there was no significant change from early permanent dentition to permanent dentition. 女性舌骨垂直位置和水平位置从替牙期到恒牙早期逐渐下降和前移,而从恒牙早期到恒牙期变化不显著。
Conclusion The lip bumper can promote mandibular arch development and increase lower arch perimeter in the mixed and. early permanent dentition. 结论在儿童颌面部生长发育期间,下颌唇挡有助于增加下颌牙弓的长度与宽度,对治疗替牙期及恒牙初期下颌牙弓轻度或中度拥挤产生积极作用。
Results The rate of malocclusion is 44.02% in the mix dentition and 48.78% in the permanent dentition. 结果错牙合畸形的患病率替牙期为44.02%,恒牙期为48.78%。
Conclusion: It is an effective method to correct skeletal Class ⅲ malocclusion using the combined maxillary protraction and chincap appliance in the mixed dentition and early permanent dentition. 结论:口外前牵引联合颏兜是矫治混合牙列期和恒牙早期安氏Ⅲ类骨性反(牙合)的有效方法。
Conclusion: Two-phase treatment was effective on improvement of facial balance and facial esthetics of Angle ⅱ malocclusion with mandible deficiency in mixed or early permanent dentition. 结论:下颌发育不足的AngleⅡ类错(牙合)患者在替牙期、恒牙早期采用双期矫治能改善其面部侧貌;
The craniofacial soft tissue morphology in 80 cases of anterior crossbite at the early permanent dentition period was analyzed with a special computer software for finite element analysis of two dimensional craniofacial structure. 用专门建立的颅颌面形态有限元分析系统,分析了80名恒牙早期前牙反合患者X线头颅定位片软组织侧貌形态特征。
Objective: The purpose is to research indications and effect of implant treatment in orthodontic treatment in the permanent dentition with missing teeth or significant spacing. 目的:探讨正畸开辟间隙法与种植义齿结合治疗个别牙缺失和牙列稀疏错牙合畸形的临床效果。
A Twin Study of Dental Crowding on Permanent Dentition 恒牙列拥挤的双生子研究
Objective To evaluate the effects of lip bumper therapy on the changes of the mandibular arch in the mixed and early permanent dentition. 目的研究下颌唇挡对替牙期及恒牙初期儿童下颌牙弓及下颌骨生长发育的影响,探索用下颌唇挡早期矫治下颌牙列拥挤的作用机理。
A healthy and intact primary dentition plays a direct and important role in the establishment of a normal permanent dentition. 乳牙列的完整、健康与否将直接影响恒牙列的正常建立。
Conclusion: Skeletal class III malocclusion with permanent dentition could be successfully treated with straight wire appliance technique and soft tissue profile could be improved. 结论:⑴直丝弓矫正技术能够成功矫正恒牙期骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形,并能改善软组织侧貌。